ited-conference ITED Conference内装工业化大会--Events--Shanghai International Building Industrialization Exhibition (BIC 2021)
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ITED Conference内装工业化大会——新锐分享,20分钟改变装修方式


ITED Conference内装工业化大会以创新的“20分钟改变装修方式”为主题,将邀请3大地产、3大装饰工程公司、5大集成商、3大集成卫浴公司、5大集成墙面,打造建筑全装修语境下,最具工业化思维的新锐网红,致力于共同推动国内装配式内装行业的发展,赋能装饰行业转型与升级,帮助地产企业降本增效。




会议时间:2021年3月24日 13:30-16:30 3月25日 10:00-16:30





About BIC

Since 2013, BIC has been the first exhibition of the whole industry chain in prefabricated construction in China. BIC endeavor expand prefabricated decoration, architecture design, construction machinery, building envelope technology application, etc. Thanks to the active participation of leading brands, and closely followed national policies, expanded regional influence, and integrated domestic and global advantageous resources, BIC has become the first choice to expand your business!

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Add.: Business Mansion, Shanghai Exhibition Center, No.1333, Nanjing Rd(W), Shanghai, PRC (200040)
T: +86 21 6195 6097

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