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Passive House Technology Salon

On 23 June 2016, Passive House Technology Salon was held at Jin Jiang Grand Hall which was jointly held by Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences Group, China Passive Building Alliance and VNU Exhibitions Asia Ltd.

This salon gathered elites from the whole building industry, e.g. National Housing and Construction Department, CMVIA, US Consulate General in Shanghai, Consulate General of Belgium in Shanghai, Germany Econet Trade Association, Tongji University, developers, and the top 10 enterprises from the industry of doors & windows system, ventilation system and façade.

Topic 1: Development Directions, Policy Requirements and Potential Projects

Speaker:Zhang xiaoling minister National Housing and Construction Department
Key note:The Development and Technology Potentials of Passive House in South China

1. Passive House Projects in South China
2. Technology Standards of Passive house
3. The set up of fixed solar elevation shading system and outer visor.
4. Test requirements of doors & windows in China and Germany
5. Passive house’s ventilation system (applicable to China’s weather)

Speaker: Xu Zhiyong The Secretary-General of China Passive Building Alliance
Topic: Passive House Is Indispensable for the Sustainable Development of China

1. Clarify the relationship between national policies and market behavior
2. Passive house is a foundation of eco-energy saving building
3. Ordinariness and durability determine the future of passive house
4. Developing passive house in Shanghai requires innovative technology

2.Technical Routine/ System and Fore-End Design

Speaker: Dr. Fan Hongwu Architectural Technology Department of Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences Group
Topic: Technical Routine of Passive House in South China

Why do we need to develop Passive House?
-- Passive House can solve the climate change problem.
How to develop Passive House?
1. Saving comfort theory needs to be innovative.
2. Adaptability should be considered in energy-saving techniques aspect.
3. Put efforts in enhancing products’ performances.

Speaker: Jacklyn Wang president of Frey Architekten Group
Topic: Case Studies of Passive House in Germany

1.Freiburg's Passive House case studies:
a) Holzhaus
b) Pro Scholare
c) Green House
2. Passive House in community:
Heidelberg Township – vital and ecological community
3.Case Studies Sharing Session

Speaker: Gu Hongcai Chief Engineer of Nantong Construction Group
Topic: Passive Low Energy Building Techniques in South China

1. Passive House related techniques: Building situation of Nantong’s Passive House
2. Measure parameters of Passive House model
3. Development and production of systems
4. Cost-cutting measures
Speaker: Liu Yu PHI qualified Passive House Designer of Shanghai Landleaf Architecture Technology Ltd
Topic: Implementation of Passive House in South China

1. Passive House basic knowledge
2. Introduction of Brook project
3. Highlights of Passive House techniques:
Passive House is the most advanced energy-saving building in the world. It is widely used and promoted in many countries, especially Germany. Comparing to common building, Passive House consumes less energy, has strong thermal insulation with high comfortability. Therefore, it would be the main trend of energy-saving building in the future.

Discussion Time
Apart from speeches delivered by guest speakers, many participants joined the discussion actively to discuss the development prospect of Passive House in South China.

After the activity,participants still exchanged their opinions with each other.

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