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The Government encourages the planning and construction

The integration of two building materials industry work conference held in Beijing recently, editing the meeting was informed that this year the government will encourage the continued planning and construction of green building materials industrial park, set up a public information service platform in the park, using a large data center, cloud computing and other technical support industrial park enterprise information applications.

Deputy Director of the Ministry of Industry and Raw Materials Division Pan Aihua, said the building materials industry need to do to quantify the integration work, which is important to note: First, to enhance the level of information building materials production processes. The current difficulty is resolved cement glass enterprises discharge data networking, in order to achieve real-time monitoring of emissions; second is to enhance the level of information market circulation. Deepening the field of e-commerce applications in building materials distribution, promoting the development of modern logistics, improve marketing side of information technology application level, by raising the level of information marketing segment Forced upstream production enterprise application of information technology; third is to strengthen the public service platform, to improve the industry the level of information. Expedite the implementation of the construction of the cement, flat glass industry capacity, production statistics information release platform, the establishment of long-term mechanism to resolve the overcapacity.

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