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China market is prepared for its burgeoning growth in precast industry

In the past year, new-built precast factories over 600. According to the prefabricated building action plan which is also part of China’s "13th Five-Year Plan”, China's precast construction market scale expected to reach 698.2 billion in next decade. Proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings area in China will be up to 15% by 2020.

Asia magnet in the industry, BetonTage Asia, held in November 23rd-24th in Shanghai. The international parent congress in Neu-Ulm, Germany, is complemented by specialized offshoots for the fifth time this year. FBF Betondienst Gmbh, Arcplus Group PLC, and VNU exhibitions Asia hosted a great summit together, including 2 main conference, 3 featured forums, and 3 site tour routs. 28 guest speakers brought 28 speeches. The specialist program focused on Integrated Industrialization Thinking that covered all relevant segments in the building industrialization, and included contributions on precast concrete construction, prefabricated structure integration, peripheral system integration, prefabricated Interior integration and factory tour.


BetonTage Asia and concurrent exhibition BIC set new records, which have proven its worth as the ideal platform for the Asia-Pacific region for 6 years in precast industry.   86,032 visitors coming from 33 countries is increased by 83.02% over the 2017 show. The main visitor countries besides China were: Malaysia, Thailand, India, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam and so on. The event gathered 429 top brands from all over the world, including Ebawe, Vollert, Nordimpianti, Imer, Ratec, Idat, Elematic, Preconpro, ICE, Precast, Aurubis, Sommer, Avermann. It also indicates that market demands set to spark precast building & construction industry boom in China.

As host of BetonTage Asia, we celebrate the 63rd BetonTage and continue its long-standing success as the future pioneer for precast concrete solutions and building industrialization in Asia. Together, we also look forward to welcoming you all to BetonTage Asia and BIC 2019 in Shanghai, 21st-23rd, November.



About BIC

Since 2013, BIC has been the first exhibition of the whole industry chain in prefabricated construction in China. BIC endeavor expand prefabricated decoration, architecture design, construction machinery, building envelope technology application, etc. Thanks to the active participation of leading brands, and closely followed national policies, expanded regional influence, and integrated domestic and global advantageous resources, BIC has become the first choice to expand your business!

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VNU Exhibition Asia Ltd.
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E: bic@vnuexhibitions.com.cn

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